ASAP = As Soon As Possible
BBS = Bulletin Board System
BFN = Bye For Now
BRB = Be Right Back
BTW = By The Way
CUL = See You Later
FYI = For Your Information
F2F = Face to Face
GA = Go Ahead
<G> = Big GRIN
<g> = Grin
<ggl> = Giggle
HHOK = Ha Ha Only Kidding.
HN = Handle Name (nick name on the Internet)
IAE = In Any Event
IMO = In My Opinion
IMCO = In My Considered Opinion
IMHO = In My Humble Opinion
IOW = In Other Words
IRL = In Real Life
JFYI = Just For Your Information
LOL = Laughing Out Loud
LTNS = Long Time No See
MORF = Male Or Female
NP = No Problem
NRN = No Reply Necessary
OIC = Oh, I see!
OMG = Oh My God
OTOH = On The Other Hand
PMJI = Pardon Me for Jumping In
ROM = Read Only Member
<S> = Big Smile
<s> = Smile
THX = Thanks
TIA = Thanks In Advance
TTYL = Talk To You Later
<w> = Wink
WB = Welcome Back
"ochiru" = leave a chat room or forced to leave a chat room because of computer's unstability
"karui" = chat server response is fast
"arashi" = chat abuser
"kakiko" = write something on a bulletin board
"ofukai" = offline meeting. Meet with net friends in 3D
"meado" = email address
"tereho" = abbreviation for "tele-hoodai" which is NTT's service name
BBS = 掲示板
ロム = ROM = 入室しないで見ているだけの人。Read Only Member
レス = 返事
軽い = サーバの反応が早いこと
落ちる = 退室、又は、パソコンの調子が悪くて強制的に退室してしまうこと
荒らし = ネットマナーを守らないで他人に不快感を与える人
HN = ハンドルネーム。チャットで使うニックネームのこと
書きこ = 掲示板への書き込み
オフ会 = ネットで知り合った人が実際に会う会合のこと
テレホ = テレホーダイ。NTTのサービス名
メアド = メールアドレス